Active Roster



Community-Wide Events

The Dallas Jewish Committe on Scouting endeavors to host 3-5 events each year in an effort to bring together scouts throughout the Dallas Area. These include:

  • Partner with the Dallas Jewish War Veterans to place US Flags on veterans' graves on Veterans Day and Memorial Day
  • Community-Wide Scout Shabbat Celebration in February each year (Save the Date: February 7-8, 2025) 
  • Jewish Religious Emblems Workshop for Cub Scouts and Scouts BSA (usually in the fall)

In additional to the annual events above, other events we have planned or partnered on include: 

  • Community-wide Hanukkah Celebration for Jewish scouts
  • Tu B'shevat conservation service project for a Jewish organization
  • Presentation to Dallas Area Rabbis about the value of scouting for their youth
  • Participating in Yom HaShoah Reading of the Names of those who perished in the Holocaust

We are always interested in exploring opportunities to support Jewish scouts and Jewish scouting! If you are interested in participating in or helping plan an event, please contact us

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